There is an outstanding musical and choral tradition in the Parish.

There is an outstanding musical tradition at Chingford.  As well as a very popular community choir at the Old Church there are several large Parish Church choirs who maintain a cathedral-style repertoire and regularly tour in the UK and overseas.  We are proud to say that our choirs are among the largest and best of any parish in England.  This year, the Choir sang for Mass in S. Maria Maggiore and S. Peter’s Rome and sang the week’s services in Norwich Cathedral from 19 to 26 August. Recordings are available on application to the Director of Music. 

Click here to see this term’s music list.

For details of our annual Organ Scholarship scheme, please click here.  

Click here to read about our 1908 Norman & Beard organ.

There are also regular CONCERTS and events throughout the parish.   Next is a performance of the Requiem (largely) by W A Mozart at 18:30 on Saturday 29 March. On Saturday 10 May we have an Inspirational Night and Day (at 19:30)! A complete listing to August is here

All the choirs offer opportunities for dedicated people who love music and enjoy singing. If you would like to know more please contact Mike Emerson, the Director of Music. We are currently looking in particular for male and female altos.

Please see our latest RECRUITMENT LEAFLET.

The Parish Church Choir

The Parish Choir is a traditional choir for Men and boys 7-14 that forms the mainstay of the choral tradition here and has done for generations.  We are always welcoming to new members.

The Girls Choir

Another key part of the music at Chingford is the Girls Choir.  Along with the boys, the thriving Girls Choir, open to girls 7-18, sing at Mass and Evensong weekly and regularly go on tour.

The Chingford Singers

The Chingford Singers are made up of adult sopranos and contraltos who, with the men of the Parish Church Choir, perform a ‘choral society’ type repertoire at concerts, or sing at special services.

The Chamber Choir

is a smaller ensemble drawn, by invitation, from full or associate members of the other choirs. This choir meets for specific events (cathedral visits, concerts, etc) to enable people to continue singing once they reach university age and beyond.

Purple Praise

is a Community Choir for all abilities. They rehearse fortnightly on Saturday mornings at All Saints and perform there regularly. Contact Hilary Musker or Rodney Matthews (see contacts) for more information..

Find out more about singing with us

Sing With Us

We always welcome new boy choristers to join our acclaimed choir of 20 boys. The choir provides a wonderful musical and educational opportunity to sing locally, nationally and internationally. The boys practice on Wednesdays (with a club after) and Fridays and sing at a service most Sundays.

For further information, please:
• Watch the YouTube video on this page.
• Come to a service, hear the choir sing and introduce yourself.
• See Music this Term for details of what we are singing when.
• Contact Mike Emerson, the Director of Music, on 020 8529 6092, or