Revered Dr. Justin Lewis-Anthony
The Rev Dr Justin Anthony
020 8529 1291

Mr Richard Vincent
07730 689642

Kirsty Brown
Parish Administrator
020 8529 0323
Office hours 10.00 to 12.30, Monday – Friday

The Rev’d Hilary Musker
Associate Priest at All Saints
(the Old Church)
07484 135111
Mthr Marilyn Claydon
Associate Priest
07931 967167

Canon Rodney Matthews
Hon Assistant Priest
020 8529 4372
Mike Emerson, FRCO
Director of Music
020 8529 6092
Dr Tom Cowhig
Hon. Asst Choirmaster
0208 5020949

Dianna Kennedy
Hon. Reader
07542 701949
Luke Lowrie
Youth and Children’s Work Lead
020 3086 8186 


The Parish of Chingford is wholly committed to the House of Bishops Safeguarding Policy for children, young people & adults.

We have an active Safeguarding and Risk Team that consider carefully all parish activity and care for all those involved in parish life.

  If you are concerned that someone you know is at risk of, or is being abused, or presents a risk to others, please seek advice from our Parish Safeguarding Officer, Samantha (Sam) Lowrie
who can be contacted 07821 838598 or at


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