Lent Courses 2025

Wednesday mornings at All Saints, Sunday mornings after the 10:00 Eucharist at Ss Peter & Paul. Do come to either venue!

Two pianos, 14:30, Saturday 22 February

Bazaar! Saturday 29 March


Please click to see the latest situation. We are very grateful to our Associate  Priests, Marilyn and Hilary, to Rodney, our Hon Assistant Priest and to all others who are maintaining our services and Parish life during the interregnum.

Organ Scholar 2025/26

Applications for the post of Organ Scholar from September 2025 are now open, with a closing date of 17 February, Please click on header and then see here or go straight to the Music page.    

Altos wanted!

For our remarkable Choirs! Please spread the word.

Something is happening in the Parish of Chingford…

…do you want to be part of it? Something is happening in the Parish of Chingford. Do you want to be part of it?#volunteer #kingdomcome @chelmsdio pic.twitter.com/U8Io95hXEU — Chingford Parish (@chingfordparish) April 16, 2024

A Prayer for the King’s Majesty

A Prayer for the King's Majesty O Lord our heavenly Father, high and mighty, King of kings, Lord of lords, the only Ruler of princes, who dost from thy throne behold all the dwellers upon earth; most heartily we beseech thee with thy favour to behold our most gracious Sovereign Lord, King Charles; and so replenish him with the grace of thy Holy Spirit, that he may alway incline to thy will, and walk in thy way: endue him plenteously with heavenly gifts; grant him in health and wealth long to

Wednesday Welcome at All Saints

Choir recruitment

Please draw this to attention of anyone you know who may be interested. See also the Music page.